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A detailed analysis on the essential elements of on-page optimization

Elements of On-page Optimization

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On-site optimization allows Google to better understand our website which in turn improves our rankings that leads to more organic traffic. On-page SEO is the phenomenon of optimizing web pages for specific keywords with an objective to improve search visibility and traffic. It implicates the alignment of specific items of the page as tags, titles, content and internal links with the keywords. If we add our primary keyword in our URL which aids both search engines and users to understand the content of a page. We must use real words in our URL instead of the indecipherable terminologies that some content management systems eliminate them. The keywords must be short and sweet. We must remember that our URL structure should be short and easy for both search engines and users to perceive them.

It must be convenient enough for Google to decipher the type of content on the page so that it can show us on the top ranked SERPs. Sometimes, Google also shows URLs in search results if we gain popularity.

Meta tags are one of the most significant on-page SEO factors specifically page titles. Every page consists of a title tag which appears in search results as a headline. The meta description is a short synopsis of the page that appears under the title on search results. They are important aspects to aid search engines and users to understand the objectives of a page. The title tag is directly an on-page SEO ranking factor, while meta descriptions do not fall in that category. The title and meta descriptions both plays an influential role whether a person actually clicks on a listing in the search results. When both the title and meta descriptions are optimized, it increases the Click-Through Rate (CTR) which depicts us that we obtain more traffic.

Structured data allows Google to conceptualize our content even better so it falls under a crucial component of our on-page SEO audit. For example, we possess a product page that includes features like prices, availability, ratings, etc. If we do not structure that information in a specific and legible way in the HTML then Google would be unable to understand and decipher it.
If we apply multiple headers such as H1, H2, H3 tags on our pages which helps with SEO in several ways. Firstly, it makes much convenient for visitors to read our content. If visitors encounter a wall of text on a page, there are very few chances that they would like to read it and would abandon the page. If we use multiple headers then it aids the users to quickly grasp the content which in turn improves overall user experience.

Copywriting may induce our on-page SEO efforts. When we prepare a great content for our landing pages users would get more engaged. It is highly significant to note that SEO copywriting practices are not only justified as beneficial to search engines but they also enhance our content marketing for users. The finest bloggers are expertise in SEO copywriting and the strategies they apply are mentioned below:

  1. The introductions must be concise and appealing. The problem and our solution must be well articulated.
  2. Avoid long sentences and paragraphs but that does not signify we would abandon paragraphs entirely then the flow would be hampered.
  3. Break up the paragraphs carefully when it exceeds the limit of 300 words along with the subheadings.
  4. Incorporate the target SEO keyword genuinely all throughout the content and web page.

We must always keep in mind that on-page optimization counts so prepare the web pages with these elements, and we would be on the way to better organic search engine rankings.

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By wholesaleseo on February 7th, 2022